0.5.135 | 18.May.2022 | Improvements:
- Automatically opens the camera when creating a snapshot
| |
0.5.134 | 13.May.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Selection of overlapped items
| |
0.5.133 | 12.May.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Script executed when disabled
| |
0.5.132 | 12.May.2022 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.131 | 10.May.2022 | Improvements:
- Graphical User Interface changes
| |
0.5.130 | 09.May.2022 | Improvements:
- Graphical User Interface changes
- Error messages
| |
0.5.129 | 03.May.2022 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.128 | 02.May.2022 | Improvements:
- Security layer printing options
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.127 | 01.May.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Matica EDIsecure UV layer
- Overlapping layers
| |
0.5.126 | 27.Apr.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Matica EDIsecure UV layer
| |
0.5.125 | 24.Apr.2022 | Improvements:
- Graphical User Interface changes
Bug Fixes:
- Matica EDIsecure UV layer
| |
0.5.124 | 21.Apr.2022 | Improvements:
- Graphical User Interface changes
Bug Fixes:
- Matica EDIsecure UV layer
- RTAI rendering
| |
0.5.123 | 14.Apr.2022 | Improvements:
- Graphical User Interface changes
- Automatically adjust the font size to the item
| |
0.5.122 | 12.Apr.2022 | New Features:
- Matica EDIsecure printers
| |
0.5.121 | 05.Apr.2022 | Improvements:
- Allow any card type on scripts
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.120 | 18.Feb.2022 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.119 | 17.Feb.2022 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.118 | 11.Feb.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Item selection
- Selection of multiple text items
| |
0.5.117 | 10.Feb.2022 | Improvements:
- Datasource view on designer
Bug Fixes:
- Missing images on imported cards
| |
0.5.116 | 10.Feb.2022 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.115 | 04.Feb.2022 | | |
0.5.114 | 03.Feb.2022 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.6.000 | 03.Feb.2022 | | |
0.5.113 | 01.Feb.2022 | | |
0.5.112 | 31.Jan.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect data types after opening a script
| |
0.5.111 | 31.Jan.2022 | New Features:
- Wait operation on scripts
- Script data types
- Script datablocks
- Numeric inputs on scripts as decimal or hexadecimal
Bug Fixes:
- Hex datablock size
- Datablock read
| |
0.5.109 | 28.Jan.2022 | Improvements:
- Script data types
- Script operation "Datablock get"
| |
0.5.108 | 26.Jan.2022 | | |
0.5.107 | 26.Jan.2022 | Improvements:
- Print text implementation
- Script data types
Bug Fixes:
- Template thumbnails
- Mifare user data blocks
| |
0.5.103 | 25.Jan.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Value not set on script variables
- Disconnect from card reader
| |
0.5.102 | 25.Jan.2022 | Improvements:
- Move card during print job
| |
0.5.101 | 24.Jan.2022 | Improvements:
- Move card during print job
| |
0.5.100 | 21.Jan.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Incorrect datasource records on scripts
| |
0.5.099 | 20.Jan.2022 | Improvements:
- Move card during print job
| |
0.5.098 | 20.Jan.2022 | New Features:
- Datasources available on scripts
- Translated 78 text segments in the "DE-AT" language
- Translated the following segments in the "SK" language: 4k, the script '<<1>>' will be deleted.
Bug Fixes:
- Added items aren't automatically selected
| |
0.5.097 | 12.Jan.2022 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.096 | 07.Jan.2022 | Bug Fixes:
- Not able to enumerate video devices
| |
0.5.095 | 03.Jan.2022 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.094 | 29.Dec.2021 | Improvements:
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.091 | 22.Dec.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.090 | 30.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.089 | 29.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.087 | 24.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.086 | 22.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
- Delete card dialog
- language revisions
| |
0.5.085 | 18.Nov.2021 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.084 | 17.Nov.2021 | Bug Fixes:
- Menu bar on scripting page
| |
0.5.083 | 14.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
- included even if no have items
- security and overlay render option allways included
| |
0.5.082 | 12.Nov.2021 | Bug Fixes:
- Saving images with maximum size applied
| |
0.5.081 | 11.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
- Multiple renderer layers on items
| |
0.5.080 | 11.Nov.2021 | | |
0.5.079 | 11.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
- Special layers rendering mode option
- Text shrink
| |
0.5.078 | 09.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
Bug Fixes:
- Showing old print job errors on desktop and server
| |
0.5.077 | 08.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
- Sidebar look
- Modifier keys
- language revisions
| |
0.5.076 | 05.Nov.2021 | Improvements:
- Multiple renderer layers on items
| |
0.5.075 | 31.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 82 text segments in the "DE" language
| |
0.5.074 | 25.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
- Access database "*.accdb" file filter
Bug Fixes:
- Ciaat R600 print oversize
| |
0.5.073 | 21.Oct.2021 | | |
0.5.072 | 18.Oct.2021 | Bug Fixes:
- Missing server module "probe-image-size"
| |
0.5.070 | 15.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
Bug Fixes:
- SVG crop
- Snap items
- Default background card color
| |
0.5.069 | 14.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
- Upload images option "force compression"
- Translated 30 text segments in the "SK" language
| |
0.5.068 | 13.Oct.2021 | | |
0.5.067 | 13.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.066 | 11.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
- Maximum font point size value
- Print job error messages
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.065 | 07.Oct.2021 | | |
0.5.064 | 06.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
- Upload images quality setting
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.063 | 05.Oct.2021 | | |
0.5.062 | 05.Oct.2021 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.061 | 05.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.060 | 03.Oct.2021 | Improvements:
- Security Layer RTAI
- Translated 8 text segments in the "DE" language
- Translated 86 text segments in the "DE-AT" language
- Translated 672 text segments in the "KO" language
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.057 | 25.Sep.2021 | Bug Fixes:
- Export cards
- Align items on vertical cards
- Print counter current value
| |
0.5.056 | 23.Sep.2021 | Improvements:
- Color picker alpha support
- Snap to grid
- Inches metrics
- Translated 59 text segments in the "KO" language
Bug Fixes:
- Multiple "datasource text" items selection
| |
0.5.055 | 21.Sep.2021 | Bug Fixes:
- Print counter value update
| |
0.5.054 | 20.Sep.2021 | Bug Fixes:
- Print counter value update
| |
0.5.053 | 17.Sep.2021 | Improvements:
- Encoding / Database
- Translated the following segments in the "DE-AT" language: cancel
Bug Fixes:
- Arrange items
- Print counter variable
| |
0.5.052 | 09.Sep.2021 | Improvements:
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.051 | 08.Sep.2021 | Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.050 | 07.Sep.2021 | New Features:
- Snap to grid
- Snap to items
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.049 | 30.Aug.2021 | New Features:
- Align items
- Distribute items
| |
0.5.048 | 23.Aug.2021 | | |
0.5.047 | 23.Aug.2021 | Improvements:
- encoding
- Translated 250 text segments in the "SK" language
| |
0.5.046 | 19.Aug.2021 | New Features:
| |
0.5.045 | 18.Aug.2021 | | |
0.5.044 | 15.Aug.2021 | Improvements:
- script variables
- Encoding
- Mifare
Bug Fixes:
- Fix design/home not found
| |
0.5.043 | 11.Aug.2021 | Improvements:
- Mifare
- Translated 45 text segments in the "DE" language
- Translated 1700 text segments in the "SK" language
| |
0.5.042 | 09.Aug.2021 | New Features:
- mifare classic
- hex editor
- Home button and back Button mixed
- script default encoder
- Images/Shapes refactory
| |
0.5.041 | 04.Aug.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.040 | 03.Aug.2021 | | |
0.5.039 | 02.Aug.2021 | Improvements:
- Numeric inputs
- Text editor
| |
0.5.038 | 31.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- mifare
- allow scripting on karditorDesktop Large
| |
0.5.037 | 28.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- KPS auto startup at script
| |
0.5.036 | 27.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Card colors are now shown on "model" tab
- Card wizard
| |
0.5.035 | 26.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 183 text segments in the "KO" language
| |
0.5.034 | 25.Jul.2021 | | |
0.5.033 | 24.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Auto collapse designer menus
| |
0.5.032 | 22.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Invert barcode colors
- Card import
| |
0.5.031 | 21.Jul.2021 | | |
0.5.030 | 19.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- KPS scripting
- Translated the following segments in the "DE" language: back orientation, front orientation, orientation, unlock
- Translated 1049 text segments in the "SV" language
| |
0.5.029 | 16.Jul.2021 | New Features:
Bug Fixes:
- Applying filters on SVG files was enabled
| |
0.5.028 | 15.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Sort button
- Image editor bottom bar
- UI changes on the pictures page
- Tag buttons on the picture search dialog
- Fonts removed from the installers
- Create card buttons rearrangement
- Fit to items
- Numeric inputs decimal places
- Text padding on the sides
| |
0.5.027 | 13.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
Bug Fixes:
- Eye dropper was automatically applying the color
| |
0.5.026 | 12.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.025 | 09.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 12 text segments in the "DE" language
- Translated 57 text segments in the "KO" language
- Translated 172 text segments in the "SV" language
| |
0.5.024b | 08.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Angular 12.1.1
- Encoding
- KPS Security layers
| |
0.5.023 | 02.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 18 text segments in the "SV" language
Bug Fixes:
- Adjusting polygons to item size
- Empty numeric inputs behaviour
- Clipboard "cut" sometimes wasn't enabled
- Two instances of clipboard
| |
0.5.022 | 01.Jul.2021 | Improvements:
- Mouse wheel on numeric inputs
- Line caps
- Translated 48 text segments in the "SV" language
Bug Fixes:
- Outline on rectangles with rounded corners
- Designer not showing transparent cards with square corners
| |
0.5.021 | 29.Jun.2021 | | |
0.5.020 | 28.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 45 text segments in the "SV" language
| |
0.5.019 | 27.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 19 text segments in the "DE" language
| |
0.5.018 | 25.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Line selection
- Translated the following segments in the "DE" language: <<account>> Projects, cloud, print
Bug Fixes:
- Empty "pages" menu
- Reload SVG when required
| |
0.5.017 | 24.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Designer multiline text, remove bottom empty lines
- Use last valid value on invalid inputs
Bug Fixes:
- Top bar visibility according to the editable setting
- Part of the grid not visible
- Selection of overlapped items
| |
0.5.016 | 22.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Color gradient reset button
- Translated 46 text segments in the "SV" language
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.015 | 21.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 6 text segments in the "SV" language
| |
0.5.014 | 18.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.013 | 17.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Reset print counter
- Translated 31 text segments in the "SV" language
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.012 | 15.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 13 text segments in the "IT" language
Bug Fixes:
- Browser printer
- Item image as background properties
- Text rendering options
| |
0.5.011 | 14.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Use item image as background
- Optional word-wrap
- Translated the following segments in the "NL" language: <<filename>> upload error <<errorCode>> <<error>>, <login>
- Translated 24 text segments in the "SV" language
| |
0.5.010 | 11.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Letter spacing
- Line height
- Translated 4 text segments in the "SV" language
Bug Fixes:
| |
0.5.009 | 10.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Translated 19 text segments in the "SV" language
| |
0.5.008 | 09.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.007 | 08.Jun.2021 | Bug Fixes:
- Items using default size not being properly created
| |
0.5.006 | 07.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- scripting add/update/delete
- Translated 410 text segments in the "KO" language
| |
0.5.005 | 07.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
| |
0.5.004 | 06.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- karditorDestop, remove encoders enumeration by default
- Translated the following segments in the "DE" language: landscape, portrait
| |
0.5.003 | 03.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Refresh storage images button
- Translated the following segments in the "DE" language: (c)2018-2021 karditor.com
- Translated the following segments in the "PT" language: <<account>> Google Drive, create model from scratch, create new project, enable translation tips
Bug Fixes:
- Chroma key error on SVG files
- Google Photos wrong aspect ratio when used as background
| |
0.5.002 | 02.Jun.2021 | Improvements:
- Fingerprint and Signature Cursors
- scripting
- myKarditor rtable
- Signature and Fingerprint cursors
- KarditorDesktop Air & Small clear printjobs at startup
- Editions Images
- KarditorDesktop show license context
- Editions Print
- Remove preview image on print
- Editions Debug Info
- Editions,Sources
- Editions
- Biometic Devices Cache
- KarditorDesktop,Digital Persona library not loaded
- Editions Table
- signature/fingerprint events
- karditorDesktop,Wacom tablet does not close dialog on ok.
- Digital Persona
- Wacom signature devices
- fingerprint & signature storages
- biometrics
- when database connection error occurs,does not respond correct error
- signature
- fingerprint
- kLoader window.global
- karditorDestkop log machine ID
- Activation Codes
- License in use
- sysAPI updateLicense
- Localization tips enabled on console
- Import photos on Excel files
- Chromakey
- Color picker
- Datasource auto create on templates
- firestore datasource refactoring
- Templates datasource fields selection
- Change Company Logo
- Templates Company Logo
- Export projects
- Add user & account on message"No licenses found"
- Licenses Api list filter by context
- Cannot print without panels selected
- Change background on templates
- Document orientations
- ODBC trim spaces in string fields
- Font height calculation
- Devices enumerator time
- Logs
- Allow Access tables to use primary keys with multiple columns
- Google photos logout when karditor logout
- kDesktop Google photos UI updates
- Konnector & kServer correct version & release date
- Translated 471 text segments in the "PT" language
Bug Fixes:
- KarditorServer, not print big images
- KarditorDestkop open chrome tools at startup
- kServer editions
- db icon desktop
- KarditorDesktop, login dialog opens 2x when login fail
- KarditorDeskop, license UID link
- Karditor Desktop terminate services
- KarditorDesktop exit when printing
- Image paint error invalid status
- Internal database insert can override data
- karditorServer Logout
- Empty text show error on draw
- Print record selection from active view
- Edit record from browse view when sort active
- kServer publish online in account details
- Portrait Templates appears on Landscape
- Does not accept <Enter> on properties
- kDesktop,live camera does not update after start(ngZone)
- Does not enumerate printers when encoding support is missing
- kDesktop cannot create accounts when unsupported languages are used
- Open project by click on preview
- Ignore sorting by binary columns on Access databases
- Conditions with falsey values not properly generated on Access databases
- ODBC error when occurs an error during a query
- ODBC date offset when saving
- socket.io
- Electron 12.0.8
- Angular 11.2.13
- Angular 11.2.11
- Angular 11.2.9
| |
0.4.001 | 28.Mar.2021 | New Features:
- Angular 11.2.1
- Ctrl-P shortcut to print
- Access database driver
- desktop F12 enables Electron menu
- design bar compact modes
- front / back / layouts
- ignore error on templates preview
- Undo History database removed
- printers enumeration
- webRTC, ignore error on setRemoteDescription
- Database Forms, possibility to have list boxes
- Database,field validation
- Allow using Google Photos with ID unspecified
- print from design form
- google photos on desktop
- Show error when trying to use Google Photos on local myKarditor
- add more log to karditorDesktop start
- add error handler to karditorDesktop
- save dialog in image acquisition optional
- print receipts
- starting karditorServer and konnector when the user logs on
- add record in table view
- konnector restart timeout 10secs changes to 4 secs
- does not keep selected image source
- word wrap
- privacy policy
- Add more logs to export project web worker
- Item properties dialog keeps active page by item type
- Create Items OnClick
- Items ID
- item properties dialog
- Fonts not loaded message changed
- item text selected after create the text item
- Zoom fit,
- ZoomIn,ZoomOut Buttons
Bug Fixes:
- konnector and kServer shows wrong version on dialog
- Print to PDF without konnector
- Add record in browse view appears without edit recording
- Allow webcam does not work at first time
- Update license secondary users
- Conditional Layouts
- scroll browse file
- Konnector,expired authToken webRTC
- Export projects using localized versions
- connector looses spooler after name changed
- Google Photos not loading on karditorDesktop
- uppercase / lowercase email in invitations
- webSockets negotiation leak
- Image preview editing problems
- take capture internal DB
- imagitor error loading initial image
- internal db properties provider does not appear
- konnector keeps typeorm connections after lost webRTC connection
- database edit empty image
- imagitor database blob fails to save
- sql empty image detection
- invalid online connector status UPDATE:Angular 11.2.3
- source type change,events not updated in UI
- mat-select out off screen
- image editor clipping surface does no terminate
- cannot change image source to image link
- Dialog Boxes in small screens missing scrollbar
- Default paper IDP printers
- auth token expires after one hour
- Desktop and Server does not change to local language
- Clipping icons same times does not respond
- Background selection in portrtait
- First record not selected after refresh database table
- clipping & fill some times does not respond
- enter in numeric input
- copy paste diferent layouts / sides
- undo stack diferent layouts
- database current record not sync across db views
- Preview incorrect layout when multiple layouts.
- fit to content ignore objects outside design area
- card designer sometimes does no apear
- project preview does not respect layout sizes
- project preview buttons cuted in small thumbnails
- webcams not working
- model and layout enable slider wrong state after apply
- enter not working in login dialog
- card does not apears when konnector blinks
- barcodes lib missing in installer
- konnector mongodb not working (sort fields)
- sometimes card does not appear after open
- spinner z-order
- (PRINT)download connector link appears on print dialog when is running
- GDrive change photo
- When Imagitor is cancelled with changes,confirmation dialog opens but main window closes
- Images spinner missing
- print get printer list when connector offline
- Datasource Items apear normal when has erros
- Barcode does not accept numeric data
- Barcode minimum size 2mm * 2mm
- Barcode Error on creation
- undo not working
| |
0.2.019 | February 18, 2021 | - First public beta release | |